Sunday, September 16, 2007

First few days of school

Sept. 16, 2007

Last week I got the opportunity to officially start my observation hours at a Christian prep school. Though I had my doubts going into it, I now believe that it will be a unique and influential experience. On my second day I got the opportunity to teach an entire class for the entire time in my content area! It was a great experience and I fear that it has made me even hungrier! I am starting to develop new ideas to contribute to the classroom and I am glad that the teacher is so willing to let me take on such an active role in the classroom. However, I do detect that there are boundaries which I should not cross - I am just not aware of where these boundaries lay. The boundary in question is that which exists between criticism and critical thinking and the conservative and religous aura of the school itself. I want to make sure not to step on any toes - I am their guest. It seems that the school's approach is very traditional and as part of this tradition maintains a transitive (as opposed to constructivist) approach. I have suggested ways of doing things and have not met any resistance yet - my method is to push the envelope a little at a time and it is quite possible that somewhere along the line I will find the boundary and continue to work at its most periphery. I will post later to indicate how it all goes down.

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