Monday, November 12, 2007

Reflection I screwed up the post I just typed and accidentally wiped it I will start again...Reflection - much like the picture here - is something we all already do as historical beings. We are bound by history much like the cells in our body are bound to us...they (like history) are us. The picture here is a reflection of what I would see when walking into school to do my observation hours each day...yes it was the front door. But what might be different in the reflection here as opposed to the reflection in my mind of the same event? You may say - well the picture here is an objective one - it objectively reflects a concrete form of reality. In what way though? Am I not put into a subject position by the sidewalk and the corresponding guardrail. In effect - I am "funneled" into my experience of entering into this building. The point is that I am reflecting - as any teacher is told they must I and you have always done. Reflection is so many things....

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