Saturday, November 24, 2007

Social Wealth

In about 45 minutes I pick up an individual whom has been labeled as developmentally disabled and we get to go to Crossgates Mall on Thanksgiving weekend! Apparently he wants to go to a place called Build a Bear. In this store you get to design your own teddy bear for later snuggling at home. It should be alot of fun to go to the shopping mall on the busiest weekend of the year. I hate shopping malls!
I started working for Catholic Charities Disabilities Services about 10 months ago and tried to quit about 6 months ago. They just keep sucking me back in. Besides, how could I quit? I originally got the job because I was told that it would count for my observation hours, but when I got into school it was a whole different story. Now I just do it as a small contribution to a few individuals in the community. It is good because besides helping them - I also learn more about myself and the nature of learning and dare I say "abstract" thought processes. It can be quite interesting to talk with these individuals (and when I say "abstract" I simply mean that they do not neatly conform to the ways most of us communicate - they do not see the world like we do (then again does anybody see the world the same - There is an old philosophical question which asks : "Is my red the same as your red?" "Ultimately, how can we really know?"))....
So now I am off to the Build a Bear store...wish me luck...

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